These bylaws were discovered on web site: SDDEMS, San Diego County Democratic party. The home page is here:
SDDEMS, San Diego County Democratic party
Their manual for democratic clubs is found here:
Manual for Democratic Clubs
This club takes special effort to note that the SDDEMS did not participate in the modification
of their suggestions and has no possible liability or responsibility. We thank them for their manual.
These bylaws are generally effective immediately, give the proviso and understanding multiple
parts cannot be implemented until the club has become fully functional. Some of the bylaws
will not become effective until the club is established as a legal entity.
From my interperations, and from my reading of the rules and guidelines, the CA23rd must first become established with a significant membership, then can apply to be recognized by and associated with the Democratic part. For this reason, the CA23rd is initially referred to as a club rather than an organization. When we acquire some level of membership, we will declare a legal entity for the CA23rd.
Readers are asked to be aware that these bylaws have edited and have not been carefully scrutinized,
Readers are asked be patient and to accommodate typographical and conceptual errors.
Please present those errors to the club president or web master as noted at the end of most pages.
The name of this organization shall be the California 23rd District Political Club, hereafter
referred to as the CA23rd.
The web site is
The purpose of this club shall be to foster democratic ideals by stimulating active interest in the Democratic Party, to support the party platform, contribute to party leadership and responsibility, to provide a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, to provide assistance to the Democratic party in selecting candidates for office, to assist in getting those candidates elected, and to promote an activist base.
All persons registered as a Democrat are eligible for voting membership in the CA23rd.
Any person not meeting the above requirements who actively supports any of the goals of this club, and who does not actively campaign against club goals or recommendations may be a participating and non-voting member of this club. Stated in other words, a person who is a registered member of another party but who actively contributes to the goals of this club, may be a non-voting member.
The total number of non-voting members shall be less than 1/4 of the total membership.
The CA23rd is and shall always be open to all persons regardless of religious preference, race, sexual orientation, and all other categories that might be used to categorize. This Section may be strengthened or clarified, but it shall not be weakened or removed from the bylaws under any condition.
Any member in good standing with any other recognized Democratic club organization recognized by the Democratic National Committee, may request to be and on approval of the board of the CA23rd, may be considered a non-voting member in good standing.
Democrats and pledged Democrats, whose annual dues are currently paid, or had waived, shall be considered a member in good standing. Any member whose actions are judged to be prejudicial or detrimental to the club by the Executive Board may be expelled from membership by a two-thirds vote of the board at any general meeting, at which a quorum exists and concurs.
Upon initial establishment of this club, and until there is an elected board, and until that board votes for membership dues, and how to manage all funds, this Section on dues is a place holder awaiting to be implemented.
Dues shall be reviewed mid-year and recommended by the Executive Board, for approval by the membership, to go into effect for the next membership year. Dues are due and payable upon joining the club, and annually at the beginning of every club calendar year thereafter.
The Executive Board, upon consideration of an individual’s ability to pay, and consideration of the member’s activities and non-financial contributions to the club and its goals, may exempt anyone from paying dues and consider them a member in good standing. The status of each such non dues paying members shall be reviewed by the Treasurer at least once per year and may be sustained or revoked by the board.
A member in good standing who has attended at least one prior meeting shall be eligible to vote. No proxy voting or absentee shall be permitted.
Exceptions may be granted by the board on a one by one basis, for one specific vote only, and attested to by a member of the board. Examples are official business or personal and family emergencies.
In light of the current political landscape, and in particular, the extreme and unwanted polarization and enmity between the Democratic and Republican parties, the CA23rd specifically invites members of the Republican and other parties to attend meetings of the CA23rd. Upon recognition by a member of the board during meetings, such persons are encouraged to present ideas and concepts to the CA23rd with the goal of establishing formal and cordial relationships between the CA23 and other parties. All participants are cautioned that such activities must be completely transparent to all. There shall be no formal agreements between the CA23rd and any other political party.
Members of the CA23rd are encouraged to visit the meetings of other parties, but shall not conceal their Democratic or CA23rd association. (Members of the CA23rd shall not “spy” upon anyone.) Only the CA23rd President or a duly authorized spokesperson may represent the CA23rd to any other organization.
Elected officers of this club shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers must be registered Democrats and must be members in good standing. Each shall be elected at the general meeting in January and hold office for one year. An elected officer may be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds vote of the members at a General Meeting for such causes as missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non-performance of duties, providing the membership and the officer have been notified ten days in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the club. The President shall preside over all meetings of the club and the executive board; make appointments to other positions as required; act as official spokesperson of the club. In addition, the President should stimulate active interest in the political process, provide a constructive role for the active volunteer; contribute to effective leadership and individual responsibility; promote harmony among the club membership, between the CS23rd and all other Democratic clubs and organizations.
In general, the prospective President should be among the more active members of the club.
The President shall be the sole spokesperson of the club. Any member may speak as to their personal interpertation of the club's position on any manner, but must be clear that it is their personal position.
If the need arises, the president may, IAW (In Acccordance With) these bylaws, suggest the creation of an office for spokesperson for this club, or any other office deemed necessary.
The Vice President shall serve at the discretion of the President. The VP shall preside at meetings if the President is unable to do so, or is requested by the President to do so. The VP shall take over the duties of President in the absence of that officer, and is responsible for the annual audit.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the general meetings, executive committee meetings, conduct correspondence, maintain the club’s records, and is responsible for internal communications.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for accomplishing the following:
In addition, when it becomes appopriate, the Treasurer shall be responsible for filing
FPPC/FEC financial report on time as required.
(Fair Political Practices Commision, Federal Election Commission)
The office of Treasurer shall not exist until the club has become viable, has an elected board, and the membership votes to amend these bylaws as needed. When the initial board determines that the CA23rd is ready to make that step, the initial board may appoint a Treasurer who shall assume the responsibility to determining the steps necessary to implement and initiate financial activity.
The nominated Treasurer shall not have any financial authority for the CA23rd until the full behavior, authorizations, and limitations, of that office is defined and until these bylaws are amended, and approved by the executed board and by two thirds of the membership.
When the office of Treasurer becomes essential, the board and membership are strongly encouraged to provide renumeration for the efforts and responsibility of this office.
Elections shall be held annually. A nominating committee shall be appointed of 3 to 5 volunteers from the membership. The nominating committee shall select at least one candidate for each elective office and report their selections at the general meeting one month prior to the election meeting.
At the election meeting the floor will be open for additional nominations. The election may be held by show of hands or voice vote for uncontested offices. A secret ballot will be used for any contested offices. Those nominees who receive a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no person receives a majority of votes cast, a run-off shall be held between those two persons receiving the greatest number of votes. The person receiving the majority of the votes shall be declared elected.
Should any officer resign or fail to attend three general meetings or Executive Board meetings in a row without cause approved by the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall declare that office vacant and appoint a successor to that office to complete the unexpired term. Any such appointment shall, however, be approved by the membership at the next general meeting. At that meeting, nominations to fill the vacancy shall also be accepted from the floor. Voting shall be by secret ballot with a majority of those members in good standing present required to elect.
In a likewise manner, officer positions may be removed from the club’s roster.
Elections to add or remove officers shall require unanimous approval of the board and a 2/3rd majority of the voting membership.
The President shall appoint a parliamentarian and any other non-board member officers not otherwise specified by these bylaws as required for the general well-being of the club.
There shall be a minimum of six general meetings each year, at least one of which shall be in January. Other general meetings shall be held at such times and places as specified by a majority of the Executive Board.
A quorum at any general meeting shall be the number of officers plus at lease ten percent (10%) of those whose membership is in good standing. A quorum at an endorsing/electing meeting shall the number of officers plus twenty percent (20%) of those whose membership is in good standing. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of its elected members.
Note: the ten percent rule may change as membership increases.
The parliamentary authority is the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
At least two (2) weeks prior to a general meeting at which the following items will be discussed and voted upon, meeting notices shall be emailed to each member of the club in good standing:
Such notice shall specify the time, place and date of the general meeting and describe the event.
The Executive Board shall approve all expenditures and carry out the club business between general meetings in a manner consistent with actions taken at the general meetings, and perform any other duties provided for in these bylaws. The President shall pre-approve any written correspondence to and from this club.
Upon initial creation the CA23rd shall have no financial arrangements or authorizations of any type.
No person or group of persons is authorized to obligate the club for any type of financial arrangement or any type of obligation in the name of the CA23rd.
When the CA23rd becomes a viable organization, the board may recommend that a legal entity be created and finances be established. That recommendation shall include the appropriate changes to these bylaws. The treasurer or a selected board member must have completed the research and documented the legal steps necessary to complete this change to the club. After all such steps have been documented in writing, the entirety of such documentation and recommendations is to be formally presented to the membership with all members being notified. The notification shall include the specifics of when and where these changes will be presented to the membership with a minimum of two weeks’ notice. These changes must be approved by a two thirds majority of the membership.
Membership of the Executive Board shall include all of the currently elected club officers, and the then current Committee Chairs.
The President shall call a meeting, with advance notice, of the Executive Board as needed. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the currently elected members of the Executive Board at any time. A majority of the then currently elected members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
The President and board shall determine a regular meeting schedule and location.
The standing committees for the club are as follows shall include both Audit and Nominating committees. Other committees suggestions include:
The following are guidelies and restrictions on endorsements by the CA23rd.
During initial establishment the president shall be the only person to publicly represente the CS23rd to the public and to any other organizations. When the CA23rd is formally established the following sections become effective. Club representatives to the CDP and any and all other organizations and for any official representation, shall be selected by a vote of members in good standing at a duly noticed club meeting or, if that cannot occur at a regular or special meeting, by designation of the President
Club representatives described in this Article, when participating in voting and discussion in that capacity, shall adhere to and represent the club’s official positions on endorsements and other matters wherever applicable, and shall agree to do so prior to their selection.
A. The Executive Board will designate a GO Team Liaison. (Grass-roots Organization) B. The Executive Board will designate a Voter Registration Liaison.
The CA23rd shall begin with no specific affiliations. As the club progress and gains membership, this is subject to change by the board as voted upon by the membership.
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at a general meeting after such amendment has been presented at the preceding general meeting and notice has been provided as specified in Article V, Section 4 of these bylaws.
These bylaws are presumed effective upon the initial creation of the club by its founders with the originator assuming the Presidency. As members join and volunteer to be office holders the President shall appoint them until such time as there are sufficient members to hold a proper election.
Established on this date: 26 May 2019, in the city of Rosamond California.