Constitutional Amendments

There is now a pressing need for some constitutional amendments. This is the introductory page where each proposed amendment is briefly named with a short description. A complete page is devoted to each amendment and a link provided to the page. As first writing only the two most important proposals are presented. As time progresses, more will be added

Citizens United versus FEC

The Supreme Court decision known as Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission, 21 January 2010, is an unmitigated disaster. There is evidence from history that the concepts brought about by big money and big companies having political power played major roles in the downfall of Rome and of the city/state of Venice. Please visit that page here

Presidential Pardon

The constitution very carefully instituted a system of checks and balances with the three branches of government, legislative, executive, and judicial. The presidential pardon is not subject to a check and balance. The resident of the oval office has made it clear that he will use the power of the pardon for his personal benefits at the expence of this country. We must presume that a future president will eventually do the same. Please visit that page here

Additional Amendments

As noted there will be additions in the near future.